This Short Film, “Ouch” By Neeraj Pandey Has A Humorous, But Real Take On Morality

From a youthful age, we are educated what is ethically right and what is not, even before we truly comprehend it. Furthermore, without question, we take after these "ethics" indiscriminately. As grown-ups, we begin digressing and settle on decisions that don't fall into the social good compass. Yet, what happens when make those strides just most of the way? This cleverly entertaining short film, "Ouch" by Neeraj Pandey transferred by LargeShortFilms, featuring Manoj Bajpayee and Pooja Chopra who depict two grown-ups who remove a choice to move from what is viewed as right. Watch it to appreciate the dim diversion you don't find in Indian silver screen much.
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Author: Abhishek

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