This Indian Girl’s Slam Poetry For Girls In Pakistan

The relationship between India and Pakistan might be strained, but when it filters down to the common people, there's really no reason for a generalised sense of hatred and enmity. Shivani Gupta has a pertinent and creative way of bringing that idea forward using slam poetry. She's got her own style, flow and a unique manner of appealing to the people of our neighbours on the other side of the border. Watch Delhi Poetry Slam's Shivani Gupta perform 'Dear girl from Pakistan' below.
Dear Girl From Pakistan

"A bus goes from my country to yoursThat’s how close we are.A bus goes from my country to yours,EmptyAnd that’s how far."Watch slam poet Shivani Gupta's confession on how she feels about a stranger on the other side of the border in Pakistan. India, learn to love.

Posted by Delhi Poetry Slam on Monday, 22 February 2016
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Author: Abhishek

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