In a shocking incident, a couple were seen being dragged and pushed around by Mumbai cops who later beat up the man inside a police station in suburban Andheri.
Youth couple was manhandled and Assaulted, and molested by Andheri Police Station Mumbai, 20 year old girl along with her friend aged 22 year were illegally detained in police Custody, Police Inspector Kokitkar, Asst. Police Inspector Ajay Kamble, PSI Pishve, Constable (Mil Special), 2 Woman Constable, who were violated the guideline framed by supreme court, committed contempt of court, committed offence of outraging modesty of woman by undressing her, also causing griviouse hurt. Youth couple has become victims of Police Atrocity. Police has no fear of law and guidline framed by supreme court and Criminal Procedure Court.
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